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Take Our Kids to Work

Visit the Take Our Kids To Work website for more information including all resource materials such as Parent and Host Guide, Posters, Workplace Guide and Teacher Guide.


  • The Take Our Kids to WorkTM program was implemented by The Learning Partnership (TLP), Toronto, Ontario in 1994. TLP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing together business, education, labor, policy makers and the community to develop partnerships that strengthen public education in Canada.
  • Take Our Kids to WorkTM is a national event that takes place the first Wednesday in November as part of National Career Week.
  • Resource material, including Parent and Host Guides, and posters come from TLP and are distributed to all Manitoba high schools by the Provincial Coordinator, Program Development Branch, Manitoba Education.
  • Take Our Kids to WorkTM has three main objectives:
    • To offer students a view of the work world and to give them an understanding of its demands and opportunities.     
    • To allow students to see their parents or volunteer hosts in different roles and responsibilities and to understand what they do to support a family.
    • To emphasize that education goes beyond the classroom and that the preparation of younger generations for the future is a community responsibility.  
  • The Brandon School Division program is a three-part process delivered through the Grade 9 English Language Arts curriculum:
    • pre-day preparations;
    • the actual job shadow day; and
    • post-day sharing and thank-you letters. 

Safe Workers of Tomorrow Health and Safety Campaign presentations were implemented in 2001 and have become an important part of the program. These presentations typically take place the week before Take Our Kids to Work Day. All students are registered with Manitoba Education for Workers Compensation coverage for this one day event.



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