Parent Council

Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC)
Parent Council meetings are open to all parents and or guardians of the students attending Earl Oxford School. The Earl Oxford Parent Council meets on a casual monthly basis and works co-operatively with the principal and school staff. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings.
Please call our office at 729-3270 for any questions.
Who Belongs to Parent Council?
All parents and/or guardians of the students attending Earl Oxford School are welcome to be members of the Parent Council.
Why should I come out to the Parent Council Meetings?
Parent Council cannot function without the volunteer support of parents. There are many ways to be involved and enhance our children's education. By attending the meetings, you will be able to stay informed as to what is happening at Earl Oxford School, find out about volunteer opportunities and have the opportunity to meet the parents of other students at Earl Oxford.
What does Parent Council do?
Acts as a general liaison between parents/guardians of the School and the staff and administrators of Earl Oxford. It also acts as a resource organization to the school, filling those needs not already covered by the school governing bodies. Parents are informed of the various functions and activities offered at the school. We raise funds, where required, to finance the activities and programs offered and to assist with the purchases of materials required to further the education of the students in any area in which funds may not be available from other sources.