Lunch Reminders
Information about the Lunch Programs at Riverheights School
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2024-2025 year at Riverheights School! As you probably know, we have MANY students who stay for lunch in our bus lunch programs as well as our community-run program. Our goal is to ensure that all students are safe, comfortable and happy throughout the lunch hour!
We want to share some information to help your child have a successful experience staying for lunch at school:
- Students eat in their classroom and are expected to stay at their desks for their duration of the time they are given to eat.
- Due to the high number of students staying for lunch, there will be NO WARM UPS.
- Please label all containers.
- Please send the cutlery that your child needs to eat his/her meal. We do not have an excess amount of cutlery available to provide to students.

Please be reminded that we have the following allergies at our school:
- All nuts
- Peanuts
- Peanut products
- Tree nuts